vExpert 2019!
| 1 minute
VMware Professional Development vExpert

Thanks to all 5 of my avid readers, I’ve been awarded vExpert for 2019!

What is vExpert?

Taken from VMTN

The VMware vExpert program is VMware's global evangelist and advocacy program. The program is designed to put VMware's marketing resources towards your advocacy efforts. Promotion of your articles, exposure at our global events, co-op advertising, traffic analysis, and early access to beta programs and VMware's roadmap. The awards are for individuals, not companies, and last for one year. In the application, we consider various community activities from the previous year as well as the current year's (only for 2nd half applications) activities in determining who gets awards. We look to see that not only were you active but are still active in the path you chose to apply for. 

I’m incredibly proud to have been awarded this title and be recognised for the work I’ve done on this blog and across social media. There is no way I could have done this without the help of the greater VMware community, VMware staff and Support team, and all of the other internet users out there that I’ve tried to give credit to.

If you have any questions or requests for a post or series of posts, please feel free to comment and ask!

About Stellios Williams
Senior Cloud Solutions Architect - Service Providers VMware
This is my personal tech related blog for anything private and public cloud - including homelabs! My postings are my own and don’t necessarily represent VMware’s positions, strategies or opinions. Any technical guidance or advice is given without warranty or consideration for your unique issues or circumstances.
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