SaltStack Config 8.8 minions missing on fresh install
| 1 minute
VMware vRealize SaltStack Config vRealize Suite SaltStack

During some recent lab work, I deployed a fresh vRealize SaltStack Config 8.8 appliance in my lab and had it integrated with vRA and vIDM.

On first login I found that my vIDM/vRA administrator (config admin) was unable to see the minions in SaltStack Config UI.

After some trial and error and working with some others internally, I found the issue was related to the default permissions provided by the vRA IAM integration.

On a fresh deployment, the configadmin account will receive “SaltStack Administrator” privileges out of the box:

Opening SaltStack Config straight after deployment you’ll see no minions in the Minions list.

You need to go back to vRA IAM and provide the appropriate Enterprise Groups or individual Users with SaltStack Superuser privileges:

About Stellios Williams
Senior Cloud Solutions Architect - Service Providers VMware
This is my personal tech related blog for anything private and public cloud - including homelabs! My postings are my own and don’t necessarily represent VMware’s positions, strategies or opinions. Any technical guidance or advice is given without warranty or consideration for your unique issues or circumstances.
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