Category - Homelab

Homelab 3 minutes
Over the years I’ve had many people ask me how I manage networking on my single host lab environment. “How do you do VLANs and manage routing/firewalling without a physical device providing that upstream?” they would ask. Well, I use a PFSense VM. Which would usually be followed up by “Yea but how?” VLAN trunking on my dvSwitch and sub-interfaces within PFSense. Easy stuff! Let’s review requirements first: Be able to define multiple VLANs and subnets.
Homelab 4 minutes
Like many professionals in this industry, I have a homelab. Who would need a homelab anymore with the cloud as prevalent as it is? Well, someone who specialises in private on-premises clouds and the work required to make it a hybrid cloud. And to be honest, I love it. I get to build something that is truly mine with my own constraints and requirements and still try to reach maximum usefulness for the hardware.