Category - VMware vRealize Automation

VMware vRealize Automation 5 minutes
Cloud-Init and Hostnames First problem was Ubuntu 20.04 to properly boot from the Packer HTTP directory. I found approximately 3,125,319 blogs online all with different Ubuntu boot commands. I settled on this: boot_command = [ "c", "linux /casper/vmlinuz --- autoinstall ds=\"nocloud-net;seedfrom=http://{{.HTTPIP}}:{{.HTTPPort}}/\"", "<enter><wait>", "initrd /casper/initrd", "<enter><wait>", "boot<enter>" ] Next up was a working user-data file for the boot customisation process. I settled on a mish-mash of different examples found online: #cloud-config autoinstall: version: 1 early-commands: # Stop ssh for packer - sudo systemctl stop ssh locale: en_US keyboard: layout: en variant: us # general packages needed for machines - referenced from https://tekanaid.
VMware vRealize Automation 3 minutes
I’ve been spending some time in my vRealize Automation (vRA) 8.1 lab, specifically the Custom Resource capabilities backed by the embedded vRealize Orchestrator instance. I was following the AD User Custom Resource example from the Docs and kept receiving the following error in vRA: Failed to get request status: 500 Internal Server Error from POST http://tango-vro-gateway.prelude.svc.cluster.local:8080/vro/blueprint/blueprint-provider-request?operation=status 500 Internal Server Error when requesting the Custom Resource I was getting this message in vRA whenever I would try to deploy the Blueprint that contained the newly created Custom Resource.
VMware vRealize Automation 2 minutes
I had a customer recently ask me what vRealize Automation (vRA) 8.1 was able to manage in the public cloud when using blueprints. While I had a very good idea as I’ve got it running in my homelab, I didn’t have any online reference list that I could direct them to. There just isn’t a simple list of it all for a customer to peruse before they have deployed it.