Tag - CassandraDB

VMware Cloud Director 2 minutes
Recently I spent some time configuring vCloud Director metrics and storing them in a Cassandra cluster. If you have ever stepped outside of the default metrics and tried to provide your own via a Groovy file, you may have hit the following error in the cell-management-tool.log log: Invalid column name **metric** because it conflicts with an existing column If your Groovy file contains the metric listed in the error message and you’ve only listed it once, you’re probably thinking “where on earth is this duplicate coming from?
VMware Cloud Director 2 minutes
One of the core pre-requisites for vCloud Availability for vCloud Director 2.0 is CassandraDB. This database service stores replication state and storage information and is used by the HCS (vSphere Replication Cloud Service) appliance. As part of my strained vCloud Availability deployment I needed to build a simple CassandraDB server. VMware Docs and the vCloud Architecture blog have some great information to get you started: vCloud Architecture blog - Deploying CassandraDB VMware Docs - vCloud Availability for vCloud Director Installation Guide Symptom I built the CassandraDB server as described in the blog post and Docs pages above, but when I would try to connect to the database using the Cassandra shell (cqlsh {ip-address} 9042) I would get the following error: