Tag - How-To

VMware vRealize Orchestrator 2 minutes
I’ve been working on some more automation lately for vCloud Director using vRealize Orchestrator. One of my use cases was to retrieve the SDK Connection scripting object for the linked vCenter Server. My starting point was an Org vDC, and from there I wanted to get the backing vCenter Server. Let’s start by getting the Provider vDC vCloud Reference object from the Org vDC scripting object (orgVDC): var providerRef = orgVDC.
VMware vRealize Orchestrator 1 minute
Last year the legendary William Lam (Virtually Ghetto) posted a handy Powershell script that can use the vSphere 6.5 API’s to send keyboard key strokes to a VM (https://www.virtuallyghetto.com/2017/09/automating-vm-keystrokes-using-the-vsphere-api-powercli.html). I recently had a need for this feature but in vRealize Orchestrator and in Javascript instead of Powershell so I’ve re-written it in Javascript. I’ve included 2 additional script blocks that you can place into Scriptable Tasks or Actions too. Send a string as VM keystrokes to a VM Console You’ll need the following input parameters defined:
Quanta 2 minutes
If you’ve ever been in a situation where your Quanta BMC is misbehaving and you need to reset it, you may have noticed that the built in CLI for remote management (SMASH) is missing ipmiutil, or at least it was on my machine. To reset the BMC on a Quanta machine, SSH to the out of band IP address of the server. Once you’ve logged in, run show to list the available ’targets’ for the SMASH CLI.
VMware vRealize Orchestrator 1 minute
Just this week I had to create a JSON object that contained all of the workflow input parameters and their respective values. While I can’t guarantee this is the best way to do it, it definitely works. I’ve tried to keep the comments succinct so if you have any questions please ask. Code // Get all input parameters for the parent workflow var inParamsArray = workflow.rootWorkflow.inParameters; // Get all input parameters for the current workflow to search through later var paramFinder = workflow.
AWS Lambda 7 minutes
This post is part of a series. You’re reading Part 2. Auto deploy a Hugo website from GitHub to S3 - Part 1 Preparing for the AWS Lambda function Now that GitHub notifies AWS of changes, we need to create the “doing” part of our project. We’re going to use AWS’ Lambda service to perform the work. Lambda will execute the function everytime a notification is published to the SNS topic.
AWS Lambda 4 minutes
This post is part of a series. You’re reading Part 1. Auto deploy a Hugo website from GitHub to S3 - Part 2 Introduction For those who don’t know what Hugo is, it’s a static website generator. Its source material is a Hugo template with your content in Markdown. I’ve used it for a while, in fact this blog is generated using Hugo. Hugo can give you an entire site in HTML/CSS and any required Javascript that you can then place anywhere on the web.
AWS Route53 1 minute
I recently had the need to update an AWS Route53 domain NS configuration so that it could be protected by CloudFlare. This domain was purchased via Route53. I had updated the hosted zone NS records with the new Name Servers, but the domain continued to point to AWS and it drove me nuts. Turns out there is another section in Route53 where you updated the NS records for your Route53 managed domain.