Tag - vCloud Availability

VMware Cloud Director 2 minutes
One of the core pre-requisites for vCloud Availability for vCloud Director 2.0 is CassandraDB. This database service stores replication state and storage information and is used by the HCS (vSphere Replication Cloud Service) appliance. As part of my strained vCloud Availability deployment I needed to build a simple CassandraDB server. VMware Docs and the vCloud Architecture blog have some great information to get you started: vCloud Architecture blog - Deploying CassandraDB VMware Docs - vCloud Availability for vCloud Director Installation Guide Symptom I built the CassandraDB server as described in the blog post and Docs pages above, but when I would try to connect to the database using the Cassandra shell (cqlsh {ip-address} 9042) I would get the following error:
VMware Cloud Availability 4 minutes
After a short break over Christmas and New Year’s I threw myself into the latest version of vCloud Availability for vCloud Director (2.0). The installation of vCloud Availability for vCloud Director (vCAv) is all done through an “installer appliance”, a CLI and a configuration file called a ‘registry’. I opted for the ‘automated’ installation using a registry file and had all of my configuration and VM deployment specs in there.